Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Disciplines of Humanities, Social Science and Management Essay

Disciplines of Humanities, Social Science and Management - Essay Example One such idea, that hadn’t been put in place during the founder’s time, but that has since seen some use and development, includes Frederick Taylor’s (1856-1915) Scientific Management Method. The founding idea behind Frederick Taylor’s scientific management theory was the concept that â€Å"the principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee.†1 Taylor’s theories can be seen in many organizations that exist today, but perhaps most easily in the processes that characterize the popular fast food chain McDonalds, especially if one studies the means by which the company has redesigned their work areas since my teenage years to produce the greatest possible product in the least amount of time with the fewest manpower hours necessary to keep customers happy. Another development in management science that has occurred in the past 50 years, but accelerate d in the past 20, has been the concept of a knowledge society and economy. Rather than being focused upon products and materials, the new economies and philosophies are based more upon the concept of information management and communication. To understand some of these concepts, Taylor’s Scientific Management Method will be introduced and applied to one of my earliest positions as a McDonald’s employee, examining how application of the theory has changed this organization in the intervening years, before examining the changing base of management to one of information and how that applies to my current position as a network administrator. Frederick Taylor’s theory centered around the concept that management and the workforce should work in tandem for a mutual benefit, but that it was essential for management to make benefits directly applicable to the employee who

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sex and marriage Essay Example for Free

Sex and marriage Essay The Country Wife shows us that peoples attitude towards love, sex and marriage have not changed in over 300 years How far do you agree with this statement? The Country Wife is a 17th century drama set in the period when the restoration was evolving. The once puritan England was vastly flourishing with greater tolerance towards political and social change under the influence of Charles II. Soon theatres of the past reopened with fresh enthusiasm and risqui ideas were portrayed openly to audiences of the time. The Country Wife was just one of the many comedies of its era and Wycherley was commonly displaying the spirit of the age. Interestingly, the modern audience of today can also relate to some of the humour in the Country Wife, this poses the question, has peoples attitudes towards social aspects changed? Throughout the Country Wife, there are many references to love, marriage and sex although there is more content focusing on the latter. The characters that Wycherley has used reflect the ideas of the time. The plays focus is primarily on Horner; the witty rake who like many of the other men in the play is simply out to satisfy his own sexual desires. This type of behaviour does not surprise a modern audience and if anything, we can relate to it as a norm in our present society. What the reader must bear in mind when reading the Country wife is the fact that people were recently formally repressed and forced to live a puritan lifestyle. When the restoration took place, many people were willing to explore their sexuality and freedom willingly and that is why there are many references to sex in the play. One of the common fears of the men in the play, particularly Pinchwife is to be made a cuckold, which in modern terms is simply a husband who has been cheated on by his wife. Pinchwife claims, What is wit in a wife good for, but to make a man a cuckold? This interestingly portrays how men were extremely conscious of their wives purity and faithfulness, however, what provokes humour in the play is the complete one sidedness attitude of the men especially when Horner says, But tell me, has marriage cured thee of whoring which it seldom does This shows how men thought that they had the right to be unfaithful however; if a woman were to commit adultery, the man was seen as a fool. Obviously, this idea has changed over the years and the word cuckold is now one of the past. The similarity nevertheless between these two ideas is that people nowadays have different views over a woman having many sexual relationships in comparison to a man. The main idea being that a woman is classified as having a reputation if she has many sexual partners whereas a man is generally seen as a stud.

Friday, October 25, 2019

One of the Greatest Concerts Ever :: Music Bands Essays

One of the Greatest Concerts Ever It was a cold windy day in late November. The sky was blue, but the air had a chill to it. It was a typical Colorado fall day. My friends and I stood in a circle lightly bouncing trying to keep ourselves warm. It has always been our tradition to get to an arena at least an hour before a concert starts and wait for the doors to open. This day was no different we refused to let the weather break our tradition. We ended up paying for it because our nose and cheeks began to turn rosy red and our fingers and toes were going numb. When the doors to the arena finally opened we all breathed a sigh of relief and rushed inside to warm up. Inside the arena, the excitement of all the fans could be felt. People were talking about how much they liked the bands that would be performing, and many were amazed to be there because it was their first concert. Many other people also seemed to be doing the â€Å"pre-concert ritual† which is seen at many concerts, and that is getting as much beer in them as possible. Everyone seemed to be having a good time preparing for the concert ahead. The arena was separated into two different sections; the reserved seating section which goes all along the arena and then the general admission section which is all along the floor of the arena closest to the stage. My friends and I were on the floor; this is our traditional spot and seems to be where all of the action takes place. This is where people mosh in the mosh pits and fans can try and get as close to the stage as possible. Not only is being on the floor the liveliest and most fun spot to be, it is also the most dangerous. People will begin moshing and run into the rest of the crowd, and many fights will break out because people want to get as close to the stage as possible. Being a smaller girl is a huge disadvantage at a concert like this. It is really easy to get pushed and sometimes it is hard to see over other people because they are taller. My friends and I were as close to the stage as we could get and we were having a great time listening to the band Trust Company.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


New research suggests that dolphins are second only to humans in smarts. – MRI scans indicate that these marine mammals are self-aware. – Researchers think dolphins are especially vulnerable to suffering and trauma. When human measures for intelligence are applied to other species, dolphins come in Just behind humans in brainpower, according to new research. Dolphins demonstrate skills and awareness previously thought to be present only in humans.New MRI scans show that dolphin brains are four to five times larger for their body size when compared to another nimal of similar size, according to Lori Marino, a senior lecturer in neuroscience and behavioral biology at Emory University, and one of the world's leading dolphin experts. Humans also possess an impressive brain-to-body ratio. â€Å"If we use relative brain size as a metric of ‘intelligence' then one would have to conclude that dolphins are second in intelligence to modern humans,† said Marino, who p erformed several MRI scans on dolphin brains.Marino will be presenting her findings at next month's American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting. â€Å"Size isn't verything,† she admitted, but she says at least two other lines of evidence support her claims about dolphin intelligence. First, various features of the dolphin neocortex the part of the brain involved in higher-order thinking and processing of emotional information are â€Å"particularly expanded† in dolphins. Second, behavioral studies conducted by Marino and other experts demonstrate that dolphins exhibit human- like skills.These include mirror self-recognition, cultural learning, comprehension of symbol-based communication systems, and an understanding of abstract concepts. The Navy's Marine Mammal Program began in 1960 with two goals. First, the Navvy wanted to study the underwater sonar capabilities of dolphins and beluga whales to learn how to design more efficient methods of detecting objects underwater, and to improve the speed of their boats and submarines by researching how dolphins are able to swim so fast and dive so deep.In addition to this research component, the Navvy also trained dolphins, beluga whales, sea lions and other marine mammals to perform various underwater tasks, including delivering equipment to divers nderwater, locating and retrieving lost objects, guarding boats and submarines, and doing underwater surveillance using a camera held in their mouths. Dolphins were used for some of these tasks in the Vietnam War and in the Persian Gulf. The Marine Mammal Program was originally classified, and was at its peak during the Cold War.The Soviet Union's military was conducting similar research and training programs in the race to dominate the underwater front. At one point during the 1980's, the U. S. program had over 100 dolphins, as well as numerous sea lions and beluga whales, and an operating budget ot $8 million dollars. By the ‘s, howeve r, the Cold W was over, and the Navvy's Marine Mammal project was downsized. In 1992, the program became declassified. Many of the dolphins were retired, and controversy arose over whether or not it would be feasible to return unnecessary dolphins to the wild. pecific Tasks Navvy marine mammals are trained to perform many underwater duties, including Bottlenose dolphins detect and mark of underwater mines. The animal locates a mine and then deposits a weighted buoy line near the mine in order to mark it. California sea lions attach grabber devices to underwater objects for etrieval. This system is used extensively in training exercises with divers for Explosive Ordnance Disposal units. Practice mines are placed on the sea floor; those not found by the divers during the exercise are retrieved by the sea lions. Bottlenose dolphins are used to detect and defend against enemy swimmers.This procedure was used in both the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf to protect Navvy anchored vessels from enemy swimmers seeking to plant explosives. The dolphins would swim slowly, patrolling the area with their sonar, and alert armed trainer guards if they located a swimmer. They are also trained to â€Å"tag† the enemy swimmer with a marker so that Navvy personnel can apprehend him. During the Vietnam War, rumors circulated about a â€Å"swimmer nullification program† in which dolphins were also being trained to shoot at enemy swimmers with a device similar to the tagging device.The Navvy denies that any such program existed or that any dolphin has ever been trained to attacka human. 1960's naw begins use of marine mammals 1965 sea lab II In 1965, the Marine Mammal Program began its first military project: Sea Lab II. Working in the waters off La Jolla, California, a bottlenose dolphin named Tuffy ompleted the first successful open ocean military exercise. He repeatedly dove 200 feet to the Sea Lab II installation, carrying mail and tools to naw personnel. He was a lso trained to guide lost divers to safety. 965-75 dolphins used in Vietnam The Navvy sent five dolphins to Cam Ranh Bay to perform underwater surveillance and guard military boats from enemy swimmers. Although during this era rumors circulated about a â€Å"swimmer nullification program† through which dolphins were trained to attack and kill enemy swimmer, the Navvy denies such a program ever existed. 1975 ntroduction of sea lions and beluga whales With the success of the dolphin program, the Navvy began working with sea lions, training them to recover military hardware or weaponry fired and dropped in the ocean.The sea lions could dive and recover objects at depths of up to 650 feet. The Navvy also began exploring the use of beluga whales, which, like dolphins, use sonar to navigate. Beluga whales could operate at much colder temperatures and deeper depths than either dolphins or sea lions. naw builds up collection of dolphins The Marine Mammal Program reached its heyday in the 1980's, with an expanded udget and increased number of dolphins.In 1986, Congress partially repealed the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act by letting the Navvy collect wild dolphins from for â€Å"national defense purposes. † The Navvy planned to use the dolphins to expand its mine disposal units and to stock a breeding program. 1986-88 dolphins in the Persian gulf The naw sent six dolphins to the Persian Gulf, where they patrolled the harbor in Bahrain to protect US flagships from enemy swimmers and mines, and escorted Kuwaiti oil tankers through potentially dangerous waters. One of the dolphins, â€Å"Skippy,† died ofa bacterial infection. ssile guarding project in Bangor abandoned In the late 1980's the Navvy began a project through which dolphins would act as guards at the Bangor Washington Trident Missile Base. Animal activists opposed the project, and filed suit against the Navvy under the National Environmental Protection Act claiming that the Navvy must do an environmental evaluation to determine whether deployment in the cold northern waters off Bangor would harm dolphins originally captured in the Gulf of Mexico. A Judge ruled that such a study must be completed before the project could continue.The Navvy abandoned the project. By 1994, the Navvy policy on moving dolphins to environments with radically different water temperatures changed; a spokesperson said that in general, the Navvy would only move dolphins between environments with a 20 degree difference in temperature, except in emergency situations. 1990S downsizing, declassification, retirement With the end of the Cold War, the Navvy's budget for the marine mammal program was drastically reduced, and all but one of its training centers were closed down.Of the 103 dolphins remaining in the program, the Navvy decided it needed only 70 to maintain its downsized operations. Much of the project was declassified, although certain details remain protected. This raised the question of what to do with the remaining dolphins. In the 1992 Defense Appropriations Act, Congress alloted a half million dollars to the Navvy to â€Å"to develop training procedures which will allow mammals which are no longer required for this project to be released into their natural habitat. The Navvy held two conferences of researchers and experts and determined that a reintroduction program would not be cost effective. In an attempt to downsize its dolphin troops, the Navvy offered to give its surplus trained dolphins o marine parks However, interest in the tree dolphins was low because many marine parks by this time had developed successful in-house breeding programs. The Navvy only got only four requests, but pledged to care for the unclaimed dolphins until their deaths.Later in 1994, the Navvy agreed to send three dolphins to Sugarloaf sanctuary, near Key West in Florida, a rehabilitation facility run by Ric O'Barry. O'Barry planned to reeducate the dolphins so they could be safe ly released into the wild, once the necessary federal permits were granted. 1996 illegal release of Luther and Buck Two of the dolphins being held at the Sugarloaf Sanctuary, Luther and Buck, were being prepared for life in the wild while awaiting federal permits for their release. In May, before the permits had been issued, O'Barry released the dolphins into the Gulf of Mexico.He believed that the dolphins were ready for release and that the bureaucratric requirements for a permit were designed to prevent the release of the Navvy dolphins. He thought that to wait any longer before letting them go would jeopardize their chances of successful adaptation to the wild. read O'Barry's defense f his actions, and criticism of the release from Naomi Rose The dolphins were recaptured less than two weeks later and returned to the Navvy. All three of these dolphins are now back with the Navvy. One of them is still in Florida; the other two are back in San Diego in the Navvy facility there. 997 Ukrainian dolphins trained by the Soviet Navvy for military operations are now being used for therapy with autistic and emotionally disturbed children. Mahalia Jackson Mrs. Harvey English 093 (1 :OO) October 29, 2013 Dolphins Dolphins are very interesting creatures. There are many things about a dolphin you may not know about. They do many ditterent things witn humans, and they do many different things in their everyday lives. There are many peculiar amazing creatures in the ocean, but none of them compares to the dolphins.In the beginning of time about 50 million years ago research shows that dolphins were once a land animal. They looked like a wolf, as this animal they hunted in the shallow waters, and eventually they learned how to adapt between land and water. Research says, â€Å"That their forelegs became flippers, the hind legs disappeared and the fluke evolved, and their fur disappeared and the nostrils moved to the top of their head. This how they breathe today. Even thou gh they surface ever few minutes in the water, they can stay under water up to 15 minutes.Now in order to navigate they use echolocation to find their way around the ocean or the sea. In order to find food the uses clicks to send out to return off of an object in the water researchers say, â€Å"It's just like an echo. † This is how they find their food, dolphins. And other threatening animals or rocks. Just like humans have a family; well, dolphins have families that they live in. The families are usually or mostly lead by a female dolphin. Just like in a society of humans the females primarily are the head of the house hold or family.Every dolphin in the family help each other out, sometimes several families might come together to make a school of dolphins. Jackson 2 Dolphins are very intelligent, they are the second-smartest animal in the world. Research shows that dolphins shows skills and awareness that for many years they thought only humans had. They gave them MIR scan s, and they found out that a dolphin's brain is four to five times larger than their own bodies when it is compared to another animals of a similar size. Dolphins has been in the U. S. Navvy for more than forty years.The Navvy's Marine Mammal Program began in 1960 and they had two reasons for this program. It was that the Navvy wanted to study the underwater sonar capabilities of dolphins, and to learn how to design more sufficient methods for detecting objects underwater, and to also improve the speed of their boats and submarines by researching how dolphins are able to swim so fast and dive so deep into the water. Dolphins Just didn't Join the Navvy or became a part of it they had to be trained to do the Jobs they were going to be assigned to do. In order to help the Navvy in upcoming wars to come.They was trained to deliver equipment to divers underwater, locating and retrieving lost objects that the Navvy thought was important, guarding boats and submarines, and doing underwater surveillance using a camera to hold in their mouths. Researchers says, â€Å"The dolphins were trained to attack and kill the enemy in the Vietnam War. † Lastly, Dolphins are many things on this Earth. They are intelligent, they are used in the U. S. Navvy. In order to help them discover enemies and to protect the ships. They are descendants of wolves and that they ave hair it's Just on the top of their head.Female dolphins are the head of the family, and several families might come and Join them. All together Dolphins are amazing creatures, they can be your friend and protect you to the end.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Limitations of financial ratios as a tool to evaluate financial performance Essay

Although financial ratios play a critical role in allowing investors and analysts to give appropriate predictions and a measure of how the company will perform in the future years in terms of stock prices and profitability but a measure problem with these ratios is that they are based on historical data and therefore an attempt to look into the future with the use of these ratios is risky and exposes investors to different kinds of risks such as inflation, cross-border risk and other business related risks. Another limitation of these ratios is related to there limited use on there own. Certain ratios are insignificant unless they compared with the older data or industry averages. This is a main reason why most analysts want to compare a company’s financial ratio with the industry figures. This also means that an understanding of the business and industry must be there with the investor before a decision is made with regards to purchasing the stock of a company. We also see that firms and their finance departments do try their best to inflate results and window dress the balance sheet and profit and loss figures. This can lead to over estimated revenues and understated costs which might be discovered later. Therefore it is important to look at different ratios and notes to the statements before conclusions are drawn. There is also a case for companies that have defaulted or there have been instances where scams have been caught and reported by the securities companies and other government departments. Some of the financial ratios also might be impacted by the sudden change in a particular factor or some economic factor that might have a short-term affect on the performance of the company’s bottom line and earnings per share. To counter this short-term possibility analyst must look at both technical and fundamental analysis before deciding the long-term view on the company. Another issue with financial ratios is that it does not take into account off-balance sheet items that might play a significant role in the profitability and revenue generation of a company this is a case especially for investment banks. We also see that financial ratios only use accounting data and not economic data. This is also a downside to financial ratios as only limited data is being used to come to important conclusions. (Financial modeling guide, n. d. ) Conclusion MITIE is a strong group with businesses in strategically strong markets where long-term view is extremely positive. The company has strong financials with a prudent policy of avoiding debt in uncertain times. The company has done well considering the difficult time that has been presented by the economic recession and worldwide financial crunch. The company’s profitability looks stronger as we move into 2010 and beyond. The company also has huge potential in business areas such as infrastructure management and property works especially within the public sector. We say so because a lot of options will be available and a number of opportunities present themselves specifically in the government sector. (Reilly & Brown, 2003) The financial analysis reveals important stuff about the company; firstly the company has very few assets backed by long-term borrowing which shows that the company has an opportunity to raise finances by leveraging its balance sheet. This could be very effective if some strategic capital is bought or expansion is sought by the company. We also see great potential as the liquidity and cash position of the company s very impressive this is the case because it is very difficult to manipulate important data in the cash flow statement and the cash flow figures therefore a good performance in that sector shows great potential and the healthy performance of the company. Essentially what is of utmost importance for the company is the fact that it has successfully faced the lowest points of the economic cycle and more importantly it ensured that it developed adequate policies to handle the recessionary times so that in future when liquidity crunch will strike again the company will have adequate measures in place. Appendix Bibliography: Baker. H, Powell. G, 2005. Understanding financial management: a practical guide. Blackwell Publishing Financial Modeling Guide, n. d. Limitations of Financial Ratios in Financial Modeling. Viewed February 6, 2010. < http://www. financialmodelingguide. com/financial-ratios/financial-ratio-limitations/> MITIE, 2010. Investors at MITIE, viewed February 7, 2010 < http://www. mitie. com/investors> MITIE, 2010. About us, viewed February 7, 2010 < http://www. mitie. com/about-us> MITIE, 2010. Annual Report 2009, viewed February 7, 2010 < http://www. mitie. com/investors_reports-and-presentations_2009_MITIE-Group-PLC-Annual-Report-2009> Reilly, K Frank & Brown, 2003. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Cengage South-Western Publisher.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

RB1 Very Short Essay

RB1 Very Short Essay RB1 Very Short Essay Retail Banks as Financial Intermediaries Professor John B Holland The University of Glasgow January 15th 2015 RETAIL BANKING – Juggling risks - for profit How do it? How learn how to do it? How develop Retail Bank? How get Competitive Advantage? RETAIL BANKING – Juggling risks - as teams & organisation How do it? How learn how to do it? How develop Retail Bank? How get Competitive Advantage? Real world Models of Retail Banks Overview – ‘juggler’ Retail banking – juggling financial risks - and returns /profits Individuals & teams in Bank firms Retail banking – juggling financial risks - and returns /profits Individuals & teams in Bank firms Banks as ‘middle men’ Bank as ‘Juggler’ Individuals Households Households Cash Deposits safety & Payments Services 1-7 Individuals Banks transform deposits into loans Equity Loans and Cash WHAT IS OVERALL VIEW OF INTERMEDIATION MODEL? =Complex ‘balancing’ or ‘juggling’ of risks – for profit ASSETS LIABILITIES ON BOTH SIDES Contracting & control of Information asymmetry =IS Moral hazard =MH, Adverse selection =AS Active screen of, influence of risky depositor/borrower behaviour. Diversification of risks. Use of capital risk ‘buffers’. Cross balance sheet risk effects. Thus transform Risk, Maturity, Liquidity via these internal mechanisms RETAIL BANKING – MAIN SLIDES ï  · Information asymmetry =IS ï  · Moral hazard =MH ï  · Adverse selection =AS ‘Real world’ model of Retail Banking Details of how they do it Retail banking – key points – about ‘real world’ model ï  · Bank as ‘juggler’ of risks for profit ï  · ï  · Small transactions –on balance sheet – small customers Banks exploit - combination of payments & intermediation ï  · Look at each risk area by itself – assume no dynamics between them – no juggling ï  · Contracting to reduce risk - both assets & liabilities ï  · Diversify risk- both assets & liabilities ï  · Cash ‘absorb’ liability risk ï  · Equity ‘absorb’ bad debt risk ï  · ï  · Bank manage risks – seek profit and added value Via how manage lending, how provide payment /deposits ï  · ï  · Overall Juggling = Bank transform capital = Financial intermediary ï  · Retail bank = risk & return management ‘machine’ = ‘real world’ model by size, risk, maturity etc Characterisitcs of RB RETAIL BANKING - CHARACTERISTICS ï  · Financial service provision to individuals and small firms ï  · Large volumes of low value transactions ï  · Large network of branches ï  · Major technology investment ï  · Close interaction with customers ï  · Retail often combined with wholesale, investment, & corporate banking RETAIL BANKING – BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES ASSETS ï  · Many small deposits. ï  · Many deposit types current, 60 day etc. * Many small loans *many different terms For loans-rates/maturity ï  · Some large deposits from banks, firms. * loans longer life than Deposits & larger size ï  · High leverage low equity, high debt * cash in excess of required & securities as liquidity ï  · Liabilities mainly to fund financial Assets * real assets large but less than financial assets. RETAIL BANK - INCOME AND EXPENSES ï  · Fees & charges do not cover non interest expenses ï  · Labour costs high ï  · Interest margin wider than wholesale ï  · Payments services & ï  · Technology are major expenses Combine Payments and Intermediation? WHY COMBINE PAYMENTS & INTERMEDIATION ? ï  · Bank - based on links between ï  · Medium of exchange & ï  · Store of value ï  · & Bank advantages = ï  · + ‘Payment via claims on bank ï  · dominates payment via trade credit/IOUs ï  · Because banks have advantages in enforcing contracts, ï  · & Their debit cards / cheques /payments are safe / convenient WHY COMBINE PAYMENTS & INTERMEDIATION ? ï  · Money? Decisions to sell & buy ï  · Are separated in time ï  · Since money allows us to sell goods for general purchasing power which can be exercised later. ï  · Money used as store of purchasing power (= PP ) ï  · Seller can hold the proceeds between sale and future purchase ï  · - in wallet, but often in safe bank account ï  · Or buyer

Monday, October 21, 2019

Schizo paper

Schizo paper Schizo paper Schizophrenia At a young age while attending law school at Oxford, Elyn Saks experienced a complete schizophrenic episode. It turned into an agonizing journey in which Mrs. Saks struggled for many years, but she came through thanks to consistent medication, talk-therapy, and the support of her friends, co-workers, and family. After reading The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey through Madness, I was really able to feel just how real and intense mental illnesses can be. What a courageous woman Mrs. Saks is to have risked everything she worked for by exposing her demons to the world only to help us gain a better understanding of the horrific illness we know as Schizophrenia. I went back through the text and compared symptoms of Schizophrenia with other mental illnesses. I found myself applying what I have been studying to a real situation which, in my opinion, is the best way to learn. What I liked most about this reading assignment is that it is a memoir written by an accomplished professional who suffers from Schizophrenia. It’s not just another case study created by a doctor or someone who reiterates what they read in a textbook. Mrs. Saks speaks on a personable level. As I read through the three exerts assigned, I couldn’t help but think to myself, â€Å"Wow, the struggles are real and this is only a glimpse of what she has endured throughout her life.† Through it all, she was able to overcome both positive and negative effects of Schizophrenia and worked to become a lawyer and professor. People who suffer from Schizophrenia have a MAJOR mental illness in which they will never fully recover from. Ever since I watched the movie Me, Myself,

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Native American Fashions

Native American Fashions Fashion trends come and go but like the little black dress some garb never goes out of style. Footwear, accessories and clothing with Native American influences have surfaced as fashion staples, cycling in and out of designer collections for decades. But is this cultural appropriation or high fashion’s attempt to salute indigenous cultures? Clothing chains such as Urban Outfitters have come under fire for labeling their goods â€Å"Navajo† with reportedly no input from the Navajo Nation. To boot, bloggers are increasingly taking to task non-Natives who wear headdresses and other indigenous apparel to play a cross-cultural game of dress up. By supporting indigenous designers and learning more about the missteps the fashion world has made in regards to Native dress, you can avoid making the ultimate fashion faux pas- cultural insensitivity. Native American Fashion Staples Cultural appropriation is probably the last thing on shoppers’ minds when they hit the mall. Many consumers have no clue they’re wearing an item that has blatantly co-opted Native American culture. The rise of boho chic has especially blurred the lines. A shopper may associate a pair of feather earrings they like with hippies and bohemians and not with Native Americans. But the feather earrings, feather hair accessories and beaded jewelry on the contemporary fashion market largely owe their inspiration to indigenous cultures. The same goes for fringe purses, vests and boots, not to mention mukluks, moccasins and Native American prints on clothing. It’s certainly not a crime to wear these fashion items. But it’s important to recognize when cultural appropriation occurs and that some of the Native apparel commodified don’t just have cultural significance but also spiritual significance in Native American communities. The leather fringe purse you’re crazy about may look great with your new outfit, but it’s actually modeled after a medicine bag, which has religious importance in indigenous cultures. You might also consider researching the manufacturers who peddle apparel with Native American influences. Are Native American designers employed by the company? Does the business do anything to give back to indigenous communities? Playing Dress Up as an Indian While countless consumers will inadvertently buy products inspired by indigenous cultures, some will make a conscious decision to appropriate Native dress. This is a misstep made by trendy hipsters and high fashion magazines alike. Attending an outdoor music festival wearing a headdress, face paint, leather fringe and beaded jewelry isn’t a fashion statement but a mockery of aboriginal cultures. Just as dressing up as a Native American would be inappropriate for Halloween, it’s offensive to pile on pseudo-Native attire to get in touch with your inner hippie at a rock concert, especially when you know little about the clothing’s cultural significance. Fashion magazines such as Vogue and Glamour have been accused of cultural insensitivity by featuring fashion spreads in which white models â€Å"go primitive† by wearing Native-inspired fashions and including no Native American designers, photographers or other consultants in the process. Lisa Wade of the webs ite Sociological Images says, â€Å"These cases romanticize Indian-ness, blur separate traditions (as well as the real and the fake), and some disregard Indian spirituality. They all happily forget that, before white America decided that American Indians were cool, some whites did their absolute best to kill and sequester them. †¦So, no, it’s not cute to wear a feather in your hair or carry an Indian rug clutch, it’s thoughtless and insensitive.† Supporting Native Designers If you enjoy indigenous fashions, consider buying them directly from First Nations designers and artisans throughout North America. You can find them at Native American cultural heritage events, powwows and marketplaces. Also, academic Jessica Metcalfe runs a blog called Beyond Buckskin that features indigenous fashions, brands and designers such as Sho Sho Esquiro, Tammy Beauvais, Disa Tootoosis, Virgil Ortiz and Turquoise Soul, to name a few. Buying indigenous apparel and accessories from an artisan directly is an entirely different experience than buying Native-inspired goods from a corporation. Take Priscilla Nieto, an accomplished jewelry maker from the Santo Domingo Pueblo. She says, â€Å"We put good intentions into our work, and look forward to the person who will wear it. We do a prayer- a blessing- for the wearer of the piece, and we hope they accept this with their heart- all of the teaching from the parents and from our family.†

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Health Promotion Program Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Health Promotion Program - Assignment Example Health promotion programs in the workplace are focused on reducing, preventing and also eliminating any health hazard that can lead to poor health of the employees and also enhances the work capabilities of the employees. Not only physical but also mental, social health also has to be maintained to produce maximum results at the work place. According to the article, the studies showed that health promotion programs at workplaces were offered by most of the organizations and emphasized on health risk screening, healthy diet programs, and exercise counselling and improving relations with co-workers. According to evidence, wellness health programs can positively affect presenteeism and also highlight the risk factors for the workers (Cancelliere, Cassidy, Ammendolia, & Cote, 2011). The increased numbers of health related problems in our society are a warning sign to improve our health associated habits and ask for a more health conscious state of mind. Helath promotion programs are a very effective way of improving the public health habits by spreading awareness of risk factors, teaching how to prevent them and at the same time making plans for the members so that they can imporve their daily life habits. Workplace diseases are also soaring which not only affect the employees but also lower the economy, productivity of the company and its financial growth. According to studies, an approximate of $3.27 decline in medical costs is observed with the induction of wellness programs and the fall in the health related leaves by the employees leads to increased savings (Baicker, Cutler, & Song, 2010). This supports the evidence in the main article that wellness programs are an effective way of increasing financial growth, increased savings and enhanced productivity. Cancelliere, C., Cassidy, J. D., Ammendolia, C., & Cote, P. (2011). Are workplace health promotion programs

Children Overcoming Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Children Overcoming Obesity - Essay Example What are some programs encouraging physical activities among children? B. Is providing sporting activities effective in treating childhood obesity? C. Is eating healthy foods the best solution to overcome obesity? D. Is cooking meals at home encourages children to eat healthy? Provision of programs focused towards promoting healthy eating lifestyle and providing physical activities that children will enjoy highlights overcoming obesity among children. What are some programs encouraging physical activities among children? One of the programs that may help improve the prevalence of obesity among children is incorporating physical education curriculum. Physical activities of 60 minutes a day is ideal for the body. However, more hours could be added depending on the body size of the child. In the study by DeRene and company (2008), they found out that incorporating physical activity in the curriculum which is done after school has decreased the skin folds of children who participated and even improved their distance in their walk- run test. Physical activities may include brisk walking around the oval of the school. This could be enjoyed by children since they could tell stories while walking without actually the thought of doing the exercise for the sake to reduce their weight. Jumping rope is another activity children could enjoy as a program. In China, jumping rope is one of the activities incorporated in their physical education. Chinese children group themselves together to have five members to jump ropes during their physical education period and recess time. Observations reveal that flexibility and physical fitness are not the only benefits of jumping rope but it is a form of enjoyment among kids too since giggling and laughing is a part of the activity. Other alternative is sports programs. How the sport is played, equipment to be used, and benefits of the sport should be explained to the participants though. Apart from this, schools should have their own s porting gym or playground. This would be another â€Å"come on† for them to enjoy the sport. Is providing exercise activities effective in treating childhood obesity? Studies confirm that physical exercises through sports are effective in preventing obesity in children. In 2008, a study by Weintraub and colleagues appeared in Arch Pediatr Adolesc Medicine wherein the authors revealed that children in the soccer group showed a significant improvement in their body mass. This might be attributed to the fact that exercises help reduce fats by building muscle mass. As the individual participates in exercises involving squats, lifts, and isometric presses, the fats stored in the body are used and muscles are strengthened. However, children who are already obese should take extra precaution to do the exercises gradually since they are prone to joints and muscles injuries. Is eating healthy foods the best solution to overcome obesity? Although obesity is caused by many factors, heal thy foods with exercises prove to be the most realistic solution for its prevalence. Healthy foods include more fruits and vegetables in the diet. This food group which is rich in minerals and vitamins are low in calories and even aide in burning unwanted fats in the body. In one study, authors found out that pomegranate consumption lowers body weight among mice because it decreases body fats (Vroegrijk, 2011). The

Friday, October 18, 2019

FBI Jounral The Deadly Mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FBI Jounral The Deadly Mix - Essay Example This is just an example of an occurrence where the Deadly Mix came together, which, according to the authors, have caused deaths and fatal injuries to the enforcement agents involved. Hence, profound understanding and insightful examination of these elements as well as proper knowledge with regards the issue could save an officer's life as it is quite impossible to profile which offender will likely assault an officer. Similarly, even an officer who relies on his long experience in confronting offenders in risky circumstances may discover that his 'complacency' can be a trap. The interaction of each of the facet of these components, the authors contends, 'are fluid and dynamic' as wrong perception and assumption of at least one of the three have dangerous consequences to an officer. A careful examination of these occurrences can prevent an officer from putting his life to risks (Pinizzotto et al, 2007). An assessment of this issue is ex

Corrections Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Corrections - Research Paper Example The desired goal of the overall intervention of the criminal justice system with various offenders is ensuring public safety. However, in recent years, the criminal justice practitioners have continued asking new questions with regards the most effective approaches of having the goals achieved as well as the implications of such new strategies into managing offenders (Silverman, 2001). The new approaches into offender management develop different implications for diverse agents in the system with roles which, in the past, have been rather functional as compared to system focused. For instance, where the responsibility of prosecutors is primarily concerned with the lawful conviction of the offenders. Here, the judges with an imposition of the fair and just sentences unlike the institutional corrections provide safe and secure custody of the offenders. The current policies are for the same reason encouraging the agents towards considering the possible impacts of the individual responsi bilities for broader offender management strategies. ... Also, it is a critical element in enhancing public safety through effective management of offenders in a given community. The fact that the primary aim of community corrections is that of seeking to achieve the public safety based on reduced recidivism for the effective management of offenders in the community. The community corrections agencies need to reach out to various collaborative partners. While the more comprehensive approaches for the supervision of offenders continue embracing implementation within the field, there is an enhancement of the collaboration which is required while providing the assistance as well as the additional resources that are critical in promoting offender success. For instance, with increased understanding for the implementation of such integration of case management systems across the country, the goal of appropriate communication within the criminal justice professionals as well as community partners is important (Silverman, 2001). The new approaches for this community supervision will involve strong partnerships within the community such as the victim and that of the offender. Further, collaboration with the institutional partners amounts to the other goal which is critically important while working with diverse correctional officers. The other goal is to have institutional case managers prepare offenders for community reentry. The various issues that face offenders on release are many and diverse and can be rather confounding. They include drug addiction, lack of housing, limited education and limited employment options. To achieve success, such needs have to be considered while planning to put in place a comprehensive behavior in an offender upon release (Siegel, 2012). The barriers for this successful reintegration

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Horrors of being Deaf in Prison Research Paper

The Horrors of being Deaf in Prison - Research Paper Example Contrary to the misconception back in 1960s, it is wrong to believe that deaf individuals to have more capability of committing violent crimes and sexual deviances simply because several studies revealed that not all deaf individuals will aggressively respond to social isolation or minimal communication to other people (Young, Monteiro, & Ridgeway, 2000; Vernon & Greenberg, 1999). Likewise, Miller, Vernon, & Capella (2005) noted that there were several authors who over-represented the number of inmates with hearing loss that were held prisoners in country jails or the state prison cells (Zingeser, 1999; Jensema, 1990). The authors also considered the significance of the research topic. Upon investigating the previous research studies that were conducted by other researchers concerning the deaf offenders (Miller & Vernon, 2002; Young, Monteiro, & Ridgeway, 2000; Vernon & Greenberg, 1999), the authors strongly suggested the need to compare and contrast the degree and types of violent o ffenses that were made by the deaf and hearing prison population because of the high incidence of psychiatric misdiagnoses due to lack of familiarity with deafness. According to Miller, Vernon, & Capella (2005), there were quite a lot of previously available research studies that carefully examines the different patterns behind the offending behaviors made by deaf individuals and those without hearing problems. However, most of these studies were conducted using limited sample sizes which could somehow distort the actual research findings and analysis. As part of increasing the accuracy of the research study findings and analysis, the authors examined 99 deaf inmates with severe-to-profound hearing loss among the total of 133,680 inmates throughout the state of Texas back in 2001 (Miller, Vernon, & Capella, 2005). Review of Literature In any types of research study, the authors should provide a clear literature review that clearly identify and compare the different types of criminal and non-criminal offenses made by prisoners with and without hearing problems, discuss how the variables and key terms are clearly defined, and examine the research strategies that

Scenario question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Scenario question - Coursework Example A number of ways will be employed in identifying the leaking liquefied compressed gas. The first way is by checking the cylinder for any stamps or labels that will help in identifying the gas (Compressed Gas Association, 2003, p. 25). The color of the container may be used to identify the gas although this is not the surest way of identifying the compressed gas because colors vary from supplier to the other. The other way is to check out labels and signs posted on the container of the compressed gas. The smell of the gas will also aid in identifying the gas. Since the said gas is flammable and toxic as well as poisonous, the radius of the initial isolation zone will have to be wide enough so that the leakage can be contained without posing massive danger to the nearby living things particularly animals and humans. This will be determined depending on the magnitude of the leakage, day or night conditions and the type and nature of the gas. The leakage will definitely lead to a large spill and in this case the radius will be 0.6 km day or 2.2km at night (Compressed Gas Association, 2003, p. 33). These safety precautionary routes will form the basis of handling this response; that is in responding to this gas leakage, the identification of the gas will have to be ascertained after which the initial isolation radius will be determined. Another very important aspect in this response is the type of personal protective equipments to be used. Before any action is taken, nose mask or gas mask that covers the entire face, eye goggles and hand gloves are the foremost PPEs that one will need to put on when assessing the safe response in containing the leakage (Compressed Gas Association, 2003, p. 46). The nature and type of the gas will also guide in the process of determining other important PPEs to be used. Therefore, the PPEs required for this response are; gas mask masks, eye goggles, helmet, hand gloves, safety boots, and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Horrors of being Deaf in Prison Research Paper

The Horrors of being Deaf in Prison - Research Paper Example Contrary to the misconception back in 1960s, it is wrong to believe that deaf individuals to have more capability of committing violent crimes and sexual deviances simply because several studies revealed that not all deaf individuals will aggressively respond to social isolation or minimal communication to other people (Young, Monteiro, & Ridgeway, 2000; Vernon & Greenberg, 1999). Likewise, Miller, Vernon, & Capella (2005) noted that there were several authors who over-represented the number of inmates with hearing loss that were held prisoners in country jails or the state prison cells (Zingeser, 1999; Jensema, 1990). The authors also considered the significance of the research topic. Upon investigating the previous research studies that were conducted by other researchers concerning the deaf offenders (Miller & Vernon, 2002; Young, Monteiro, & Ridgeway, 2000; Vernon & Greenberg, 1999), the authors strongly suggested the need to compare and contrast the degree and types of violent o ffenses that were made by the deaf and hearing prison population because of the high incidence of psychiatric misdiagnoses due to lack of familiarity with deafness. According to Miller, Vernon, & Capella (2005), there were quite a lot of previously available research studies that carefully examines the different patterns behind the offending behaviors made by deaf individuals and those without hearing problems. However, most of these studies were conducted using limited sample sizes which could somehow distort the actual research findings and analysis. As part of increasing the accuracy of the research study findings and analysis, the authors examined 99 deaf inmates with severe-to-profound hearing loss among the total of 133,680 inmates throughout the state of Texas back in 2001 (Miller, Vernon, & Capella, 2005). Review of Literature In any types of research study, the authors should provide a clear literature review that clearly identify and compare the different types of criminal and non-criminal offenses made by prisoners with and without hearing problems, discuss how the variables and key terms are clearly defined, and examine the research strategies that

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Packaging Machinery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Packaging Machinery - Essay Example The most important packaging component means a covering component that is direct contact with the usage outward appearance. A secondary packaging part means a packaging part that is not in direct contact with the usage type. Environmental and human Safety should be considered for any packaging material, for example,: b) Pollution of the contents by the covering, together with those specific cases where the mixture of packaging fabric and contents may cause troubles. The stuffing, where potentially dangerous, should not leak through the packaging due to: be short of a seal (b) wear and tear of the casing caused by the outside influences, such as foreseeable mechanical forces or light (c) weakening of the casing caused by the substance. Where the casing may potentially cause harm and affect safety of the user should be clearly labeled. Consumers in some cases, various groups of users may have unlike, possibly disagreeing, necessities with reverence to opening means. For example, packaging of pharmaceuticals which may be simple to children should have child challenging closures. While the similar closure should be easy for a handicapped person, probably with the help of an assisting device Where possible, the covering and remnants of the substances should be capable of safe dumping by ordinary means, with no long or short term danger to the environment or human beings. Biodegradable resources are preferred. Clear directions on disposal of packaging should be given whenever ordinary means of disposal is unsuitable. Neither the shape nor the size of the packaging should give the wrong impression about the consumer as to the quantity of its contents. Where settling may happen, this information should be visibly stated on the outside of the covering. Three 40 bottom diameter, 105 base tall solid silos accustomed for storing the granulated sugar powder formed in the refinery. Each five million

Monday, October 14, 2019

Empowerment Paper Essay Example for Free

Empowerment Paper Essay In the wake of many recent tragedies including both those created by nature as well as those caused by man, we have seen the number the human service organizations grow beyond leaps and bounds. However how these agencies interact with their clients can play a valuable role when these clients come in to receive services. In trying to meet the needs of all those in the wake of such tragedies, it is often hard to understand how someone can also empower others within the agency that is offering services. In the light of helping everyone, many agencies are now implementing services now geared or centered on or around the needs of their client. However, this is one thing that leaves many human service managers faced with a pressing question: How can a human service program or agency come together and in doing so in a manner that can provide an adequate means for this kind of work? It is often because in today’s standards we see so many agencies working with â€Å"multimillion-dollar budgets, professional staffs, and expensive facilities that one may find it hard to believe that the underlying philosophy is one that any agency can live on.† However, it is the agency that utilizes an empowerment-focused attitude and the theories that support them that has been an area of centralized research for many organizations for several years. It is the utilization of an empowerment approach within the agency that ensures that if the client can receive services or aid, it will given or done so in a manner that is both respectful as well without bias. At any agency, it should be understood that no matter what we want empowerment to be used not only to lift up the client but also to help to encourage the clients to do better each and every day. It is by using approaches aimed to promote positive energy and strength-based approaches along with client’s strengths can be the basis to build on, as this can help strengthen his or her weaknesses. According to Hardina et al. (2007), social service  management is characterized by 12 fundamental principles in relation to the empowering approach. For the population or consumers addres sed in our dream agency, it is these principles that are of the most importance for them to have a feeling that they belong and that their needs are just as important. For these individuals have already in most cases given up as their cycle of poverty have been occurring generation after generation. For many years many organizations were often quick to use a problem-based approach to helping their clients, and for a long time this was accepted and part of the norm. However, in the past few decades the focus now revolves around that of strength and empowerment (Cowger, 1994). From a social service management point of view, it is this focus that has been to strong an issue to ignore. It is the client, who even with being overwhelmed with other life challenges, when given the opportunity, can play a major role in the organizational decision making process. For they can bring a different view point to the forefront, as most are situations many deal with on a daily basis. It is a known fact that in the social work or the social services arena, decision making is an important task on every level. Understanding that critically, decision regarding the goals of the agency and its interaction within the community as well as how the agency is maintained can and usually made on an administrative level. However, when it relates to the overall continued existence as well as the agency’s effectiveness in addressing the needs and wellness of the client, these are just as important but may be made by other staff within the organization. Providing an answer to or even better finding a means to help in solving their client’s problem is the sole responsibility of service workers and administration alike, but making sure those servicing the client know and understand this as well. It is known that because each client is different so will the challenges one will face in offering them services, so making sure that the staff is properly trained in the area of whatever expertise needed. Having the knowledge as well as the skills is a vision that I can see for the agency that I have in mind. Having an agency in which everyone is treated as an equal and work together in providing encouragement not on to the client but for each fellow co-worker within the agency. Understanding that in the midst of a tragic storm no one situation is more important than  any one else’s, as everyone may have lost some near and dear to them. It is in offering support for those individuals whose situations may have occurred or was c reated by themselves or those in which they may have been a victim. Everyone would like nothing better than to stop the cycle of emotions that often result after a tragedy. Giving clients access to learning about or locating needed resources to find and obtain the services they are in need of can help them begin to heal one principle stated the â€Å"empowerment-oriented organizations acknowledge the limitations of participatory management approaches and take proactive measures to balance inclusion.† For agencies whose consumers are drawn from populations that are marginalized and disempowered these principles are very important. It is also very imperative that to note that in order to meet the urgent needs of people who face multiple sources of oppression and multiple traumas, and again stress that in offering help it is done so in a manner that is in line with respect and dignity. It is my dream agency whose overall commitment is quality service aimed at meeting the needs of the client as well as one in which the staff is well trained in diversity as it relates to the different cultures served. No one will be discriminated against and based on the age, race, national origin, sexual orientation, mental status, or political beliefs. In addressing client diversity, having staff and information available in other languages would be a plus. Also, having a manager that believes whole heartedly the mission statement of the organization. They display even in times of adversity a leadership quality that is in line with what the dream agency is promoting. It is the ability to influence others to follow in approaching the problem head on and in doing so the group can work together to share the knowledge needed to address the problems at hand. Even with one looked upon as a leader any decision made is only one that is looked at as one that they as leader has suggested. Clarifying the role that each will play in helping the client and having a common goal in putting team decisions in priority. It is also in trusting each other that each respects the other as diversity happens not only with the clients served but the tam we may work with, as it is diversity that helps the agency focus and understand the differences of those clients. Find a balance in the team, we emphasize the use of regular in-service meetings as a means to evaluate the effectiveness of open communication. Understanding that together as a team  and with a group effort, the decisions made can be one that when observed together, everyone can gain some satisfaction in knowing that they worked together to get the job done†¦helping the client! In offering the best client care we would need to find and utilize different strategies and implement these strategies inn getting positive feedback from all those involved in the care of the client. These strategies include but are not limited to the following: Adhere to the mission statement and the vision that the agency was created upon. Understand that leadership is agency wide, everyone should be committed to the organizational mission statement. Include everyone that is going to be effected by the decisions made between the agency and the client from the beginning process until they client gain b ack their independence. Respect is agency wide, a supportive network can encourage overall job satisfaction with a better quality output from the employees to pass on to the client. Offer a systematic approach of giving and receiving feedback to monitor if there may be a need for intervention or strategy changes. Technology that offers both the patient and their family a means of gaining much needed information as well as the option to communicate with those involved in their case. It is stated in the text that â€Å"organizational theory is used to explain, and sometimes guide, the way organization work† and whether consciously or not but only when they apply them consciously and based on their own theoretical beliefs will they be more effective. In seeking to put some organization to their program it is understood they still do have other choices. It is this knowledge that the purpose of any agency would be empowerment, but in order for the agency to reach their goal in helping others, the manager must realize their own empowerment. Then and only then can we empower the client to realize their potential so they can return and again become productive in their communities. References Cowger, C. D. (1994). Assessing client strengths: clinical assessment for client empowerment. Social Work. 39(3): 262- 268. Lewis, J. A., Lewis, M. D., Packard, T. R. (2012). Management of human service programs (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sex and Violence on Television Essay -- Television Media TV Essays

Sex and Violence on Television   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since its inception, television has been the center of controversy. Often it has been viewed as being extremely detrimental to society, and because of this, it is often referred to as the "Boob-tube" or the "Idiot-box". So what makes television so detrimental? - The content (or in the opinion of many) the lack thereof. It is said that television has caused the rotting of our minds, that it depreciates the imagination and contributes to laziness. But the most important accusation against what comes over the airwaves, is that it influences some people into committing antisocial and often immoral behavior. Narrowing down the search of the most important problems reveals an excess of sexual and violent material on Television, most of which is readily available to young and extremely impressionable viewers. This material is often said to be the cause for the increase of violent crimes and open promiscuity, which has become more apparent over the past few d ecades. However, many would disagree with this standpoint. They believe that the amount of sex and violence seen each day on television is not the cause of societal woes, but has been caused by the problems that are witnessed in the real world every day. Perhaps it is just another case of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Also, the television industry is one of the most profitable of all industries, especially in this country, for, "Sex sells," as the saying goes. As for the violence that we see, only violence packed movies make as much money as they do and they are more likely to receive a lot of attention when first viewed on network television than non-violent blockbusters. As a movie executive once put it, "Violence is going ... ... Cancels Crime Show That Fails to Get Any Ads."The New York Times3 May 1989:D1. "Celebrate the Freedom to Read: Read 1996's Most Challenged Books." American Library Association. 1996. Go To Constitution of the United States of America.Amendment I. Eysenck, H. J. "Sex Violence and the Media." New York: St. Martin's Press1978. Godwin, Mike. "Why We'll Win: When Uncle Sam gets out of line, Good Lawyers Are The Best Revenge" HotWired. 1996. Go To Guyton, Kady. "Censored Literature Draws Attention." Student Publications Inc. 1995. Go To Haithman, Diane."Housewife Critic of TV Finds Less to Protest."Los Angeles Times 22 July 1989:V1. Wyatt, Robert O., David Neft, David P. Badger."Free Expression and the American Public: A Survey Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the First Amendment." Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 1991. Sex and Violence on Television Essay -- Television Media TV Essays Sex and Violence on Television   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since its inception, television has been the center of controversy. Often it has been viewed as being extremely detrimental to society, and because of this, it is often referred to as the "Boob-tube" or the "Idiot-box". So what makes television so detrimental? - The content (or in the opinion of many) the lack thereof. It is said that television has caused the rotting of our minds, that it depreciates the imagination and contributes to laziness. But the most important accusation against what comes over the airwaves, is that it influences some people into committing antisocial and often immoral behavior. Narrowing down the search of the most important problems reveals an excess of sexual and violent material on Television, most of which is readily available to young and extremely impressionable viewers. This material is often said to be the cause for the increase of violent crimes and open promiscuity, which has become more apparent over the past few d ecades. However, many would disagree with this standpoint. They believe that the amount of sex and violence seen each day on television is not the cause of societal woes, but has been caused by the problems that are witnessed in the real world every day. Perhaps it is just another case of which came first, the chicken or the egg? Also, the television industry is one of the most profitable of all industries, especially in this country, for, "Sex sells," as the saying goes. As for the violence that we see, only violence packed movies make as much money as they do and they are more likely to receive a lot of attention when first viewed on network television than non-violent blockbusters. As a movie executive once put it, "Violence is going ... ... Cancels Crime Show That Fails to Get Any Ads."The New York Times3 May 1989:D1. "Celebrate the Freedom to Read: Read 1996's Most Challenged Books." American Library Association. 1996. Go To Constitution of the United States of America.Amendment I. Eysenck, H. J. "Sex Violence and the Media." New York: St. Martin's Press1978. Godwin, Mike. "Why We'll Win: When Uncle Sam gets out of line, Good Lawyers Are The Best Revenge" HotWired. 1996. Go To Guyton, Kady. "Censored Literature Draws Attention." Student Publications Inc. 1995. Go To Haithman, Diane."Housewife Critic of TV Finds Less to Protest."Los Angeles Times 22 July 1989:V1. Wyatt, Robert O., David Neft, David P. Badger."Free Expression and the American Public: A Survey Commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the First Amendment." Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee 1991.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Respectable Trade :: Slavery Essays

A Respectable Trade Many economic systems exist in the movie A Respectable Trade. Capitalism is present, as the Cole’s hire their cook and pay her for her time. Self – Employment also exists as one witnesses through the doctor. The economic system in which the plot revolves around is Slavery. Mr. Cole tries to earn a fortune in the business of slave trade. His wife, Francis, is ordered to teach them to assimilate into European culture by teaching them English, dressing them in new cloths and re-naming them. As the film progresses, so does Mr. Cole’s greed and arrogance increases. He begins to act superior and to dominate the household. Many slave owners including Mr. Cole began to engrain these feelings into their culture, to be carried through generations. In A Respectable Trade, the owner of the slaves is Josiah Cole. This is a new business investment for Josiah. He is not well known with the aristocrats in Bristol, England and does not have the poise and charm it takes to be accepted in to their circle. As a result, he invests in marrying Francis Scott. She was raised by â€Å"old money† and possesses the grace, status and wealth required to begin a successful business in slave trading. She is also a very educated woman and has the ability to teach the slaves English and how to behave as a European servant might have been expected to. Consequently, Josiah appears to have a prosperous business investment by marring Francis as she can lead him and their business of slave trade into Queen’s Square. â€Å"Generally the owner is responsible for providing minimal food, shelter, and clothing. Members of a family can be separated at the will of the owner†¦A slave is commonly regarded as an article of property, or chattel, and therefore can be sold or given away.† In A Respectable Trade the viewer sees the slaves eventually living in better conditions, eating healthier and with more comfortable clothing, nevertheless the clothing was very European and may have felt uncomfortable to them. Eventually, Francis feels compassion for the slaves, especially for Mehuru, and this is what drives her to make their lives more comfortable, if lives can be comfortable with out freedom. However, in the beginning of the business, they were treated poorly and often. It is important to remember that these better living conditions were not originally a result of Francis’s moral conscious Her motivations were more for economical reasons.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Evaluation of Business Code of Ethics

In preparation for your research paper, write a research proposal that includes the following: †¢ Identify the topic and state the question you will answer in your research. Criminal justice to work in the area as a Probation Officer working in the Juvenile Hall †¢ Provide the rationale for your research question. Refer to the Research Question Appendix on your Week Two student Web site for examples of identifying topics and generating research questions for that topic. 1. Working with gang crime statistics members? 2.Violent offenders? 3. Sex offenders younger than 15? †¢ Describe your research writing purpose. Will you explore a question of fact, definition, value, cause and effect, or consequence? Refer to Ch. 3, Establishing a Purpose. Are you taking a stand on an issue or arguing a point? Refer to the Evaluating Your Purpose checklist in Ch. 16 of Bookmarks. I am explaining the work of a probation officer and what probation officers have to deal with juveniles. â € ¢ Describe the type of research you will conduct—primary (based on interviews, etc. ) or secondary (based on sources already written).Describe your research strategy by explaining the process you will follow to collect your information. Refer to Ch. 4, Planning Your Research Strategy. It would be secondary research, going online finding valid sources to get the information Begin building a research log: Identify (cite) details of each source and collect facts, statistics, expert opinions, examples, and definitions that address your research question. Include your research log with your research proposal.†¢ List at least five sources in the research log. Research Log Jacobson, Michael. â€Å"Probation Officers. † Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Ed. Larry E. Sullivan, et al. Vol. 1: State and Local. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Reference, 2005. 369-371. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 22 Apr. 2010. Document URL http://go. galegroup. com/ps/i. do? &id=GALE%7CCX3 452600164&v=2. 1&u=apollo&it=r&p=GVRL&sw=w

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Corporal Punishment in Schools Essay

Corporal punishment is the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behaviour deemed unacceptable (Miller, Vandome, & McBrewster, 2009). Corporal punishment can be divided into three categories, these include: judicial, domestic and school. For the purpose of this essay we will be focusing on school corporal punishment, the advantages and guidelines to follow when using corporal punishment and the disadvantages and effects on children when child abuse is used in the name of corporal punishment. According to Vockell (1991), â€Å"Corporal punishment is the infliction of physical pain, contingent upon the occurrence of a misbehavior† (p. 278). It is a very controversial topic that is raised amongst educators across the nation. There are always advantages and disadvantages when hitting a child in the name of corporal punishment and the techniques used when punishing the child. Quite a few people support corporal punishment as an effective way of disciplining a child, while a large number of people believe corporal punishment is a cruel and inhumane way to deal with the child. Sometimes all children need is a little spanking to set them straight, help them see the errors of their ways, but, how would you know when you’re crossed the line from disciplining the child to committing child abuse. According to an article by Clark (2004): John Wilson suggests there are six advantages of corporal punishment: cheap and easy to administer, effective deterrent, effective reform, adjustable pain, fair: because of similar dislike of pain, no permanent damage (p.363). Some people who support corporal punishment can see only the positive effects of these advantages. Out of these six advantages and for the purpose of this essay, we will be focusing on five of the advantages. The first advantage of corporal punishment is that â€Å"it is cheap and easy to administer.† This simply means that, it will cost less to spank a child instead of a long period of imprisonment and if one does not care about the â€Å"niceties† about hitting a child, it can be easily administered. The second advantage that was stated by Wilson is that it is an â€Å"effective deterrent.† Educators believe that corporal punishment is the only language children understand because it is perceived as unpleasant. This may sound like a disad vantage, but, punishment by its own definition involves unpleasant stimulations. Children will likely keep to the rules govern by the institution because they would fear the physical pain and humiliation. The third advantage stated by Wilson is â€Å"effective reform,† this is the disciplining or reforming of a wrongdoer for misbehavior. As with effective deterrent, effective reform, also uses fear of physical pain and humiliation for attitudes or behaviour deemed unacceptable, to help improve or mend one’s ways. Another one of Wilson’s advantages states that â€Å"it is fair for all, since all people are similar in their dislike of pain† (Clark, 2004, p. 367). The recipients of physical pain knows how much it hurts to be spanked, paddled, canned, flogged or smacked, so they would try to stay clear of the obvious consequence. The final advantage states that there is â€Å"no permanent damage: when using corporal punishment. The recipients will learn self discipline when being administer corporal punishment as long as you follow the guidelines used in the institutions. These guidelines are put in place to help educators be responsible when disciplining a ch ild using corporal punishment. Simply put, the guidelines are a â€Å"How to manual† when administering corporal punishment. So here are some main guidelines of behavior management for corporal punishment. Firstly, educators should not use corporal punishment when a more appropriate technique is available, but there are always eases where sparing the rod can also spoil the child. If corporal punishment must be administered, educators should have a clear head. Teachers should not take out there anger and frustration out on the child. Punishment must be administered soon after the offence. Children tend to forget the reason why they are being punished after a long period of time has passed, making them believe that they should not be punished. It is also best to specify the behavior being punished. Educators must administer corporal punishment dispassionately. Teachers tend to spank or hit a child more aggressively because they might not like the child as a person. Not to mention, teachers should be bother wh en they are administering corporal punishment to any child. Administer corporal punishment in front of appropriate witnesses, these witnesses should be regarded as reliable and truthful in case of litigation. And, corporal punishment should be carried out with appropriate confidentiality, because, what good would it do to humiliate the child. And finally, make sure you follow all the rules and regulations prescribed by the school system, this is to assure you have the support and an effective defense, should a legal challenge arise. But with every advantage there is an equal disadvantage. Most people believe that corporal punishment in schools is not morally acceptance. This is where the disadvantages occur. According to Vockell (1991), â€Å"punishment is not likely to be logically related to the misbehavior† (p. 279). This just means that the students who are punished for misbehavior not worthy of punishment are victims of artificial punishment. Artificial punishment simply means, using another means of punishment instead of corporal punishment. The second disadvantage is that physical punishment often models socially inappropriate behavior to the child. According to Vockell (1991), a solid finding from child-rearing research states that, children who are spanked more often than others are more likely to hit other children and act out aggressively while growing up. Parents and teachers need to reason with children to make them better understand that there are consequences to their actions. The children should know that it hurts the adults more than its hurts them to be spanked. And, by explaining this to the children, they would not grow up solving their problems by hitting people that annoy them. Another disadvantage is that corporal punishment may inflict real injury to the child that can be related to child abuse. Teachers can sometimes take out there anger and frustration on children in the name of corporal punishment, leaving them with broken bones, torn ligaments, whiplash injury, blindness and in some cases death, just to name a few. Lastly, because of the injuries that children can sometimes sustain in the name of corporal punishment, litigation can occur. In the face of these injuries lawsuits are filed prohibiting corporal punishment in schools. Educators who believe that corporal punishment should be banned from school institution think that the physical and psychological effect on children far outweighs the advantages of corporal punishment. The arguments that are raised against corporal punishment said that is leads to abuse, it is degrading and humiliating, it is psychologically damaging and it teaches the wrong lesson. As always, there are instances where, corporal punishment can lead to abuse. A teacher maybe angry and frustrated at home and take out there vindictiveness and retaliation on the child. These teachers would then be crossing the line to physical abuse. Corporal punishment can be a degrading and humiliating form of punishment, because it involves the â€Å"direct and intense power to the body† especially if this punishment is carried out in front of the child’s peers. Corporal punishment can be psychologically damaging to a child. It causes submissiveness in the child affected by it, making them easy prey for predators who might sexually exploit them. No one can expect a child who is conditioned for corporal punishment to simply say no to a molester. And lastly, corporal punishment can sometimes teach the wrong lessons to children. According to Benatar (2001), â€Å"punishing a wrongdoer by inflicting physical pain sends the message that violence is an appropriate way to settle differences or to respond to problems. In conclusion, the arguments for corporal punishment might be practical and the only way for a wrongdoer to learn discipline and respect, but, at the end of the day, according to Europe (2007), â€Å"hitting people is wrong and children are people too† (5 p.). The effects on the children when using corporal punishment can be most damaging to their physical and emotional self. Even with school systems guidelines, teachers still commit child abuse in the name of corporal punishment. Bibliography B., P. (2006-2011). Phil For Humanity. Retrieved April 25, 2011, from The Pros and Cons Of Corporal Punishment: Benatar, D. (2001, October). Corpun. Retrieved April 25, 2011, from Corporal Punishment: Clark, J. (2004). Aganist the Corporal Punishment of Children. Cambridge Journal of Education , 363. Europe, C. o. (2007). Abolishing Corporal Punishment of Children: questions and answers. Council of Europe. Miller, F. P., Vandome, A. F., & McBrewster, J. (2009). Corporal Punishment. VDM Publishing House Ltd. Vockell, E. L. (1991). Corporal Punishment: The Pros and Cons. The Clearing House , 278-283.

Important Part of Education Essay

The website www. labsafety. org offers secondary science teachers both with resources and training in enhancing and providing safety in laboratories and in the environment. It seeks to cater questions and insights surrounding effective facilitation and education in adherence to the standards given to students. The site offers supplementary areas for training, consultation, audits and design that will make each educational institution responsible and accountable in such aspects. The information provided gives important ideas surrounding implementing and adhering to specific guidelines and standards mandated. Likewise, it will encourage both educators to practice safety and responsibility in their actions. The other website www. regentsprep. org is an important guide that can help secondary science students to adapt to the current curriculum design and models towards New York State Regents requirements. It offers resource and links for examinations and procedures of handling necessary information related to the study of science. Seeing this, this site is essential in classrooms because educators can use such as a guide in building and establishing frameworks that are synchronized with standards. At the same time, it can offer students the possibility to expand and develop in areas that are deemed important in the study of secondary science. Such perspective garners the needed boost in obtaining efficient and optimum inputs from both the students and educators. Work Cited Oswego School District. Regents Exam Prep Center. 2007 accessed 19 March 2009 from The Laboratory Safety Institute. Making Health, Safety and Environment and Integral and Important Part of Education, Work and Life. 2007 accessed 19 March 2009 from

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Role of the Egyptian Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Role of the Egyptian Religion - Essay Example The New Kingdom is the time period between roughly the sixteenth century BC and eleventh century BC in ancient Egyptian history. It could be described as the ancient civilization’s most affluent period with the most power it ever enjoyed. The main stalwart of Egypt’s power during this time, taking the civilization to a new height was Ramesses the Great. His campaigns into the Levant, to recover the once lost lands brought him great splendor as a king. Particularly of remembrance was his great military victory at the battle of Kadesh. The Egyptian religion played a strong roll in the lives of the people. The gods, who were believed to be manifested in their cult images, were taken care of by the priests. Offerings were made to them regularly to bring their blessings upon the people. There was a sense of hierarchy about the gods as well with Isis enjoying a higher position than the local gods like Tawaret. The primary difference in this came from the institutional gods be ing there to help in concerns of kingship whereas the local gods were prominent among the locals of Egyptian towns. There was a kind of ascendency involved with the higher state gods starting out as local deities but climbing slowly to a higher level as more temples were built in their name and opportunities for their worship increased.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Journal - Essay Example Marketing management bases on the concept of situation analysis in which the manager has to keenly analyze and closely monitor the firm so that everything runs parallel to the firm’s objectives and mission. Since it is a broad field, situation analysis divides itself into the economic, competitive, cooperative, legal, social and political environments. The economic environment It is a major determinant of how the firm survives in a competitive market. This type of environment can bring with it marketing opportunities or constraints. For example, such factors as high inflation and unemployment can limit the size of the market that can afford to purchase a firm’s top-of –the-line product (Peter and Donnelly 17). The competitive environment Firms are after a similar raw material and target at same consumers. In this environment, the management must look out for competing firms, drive competitors out of the industry and aim at offering value sensible products to the consumers. Political environment It influences how the public views the product. It composes of the business critics, the public and other organizations. To guard the corporation image, the management must satisfy the standards set to avoid criticism. ... Operations management functions The functions are categorized under design and control issues (Mahadevan 16). For the design issues, the functions are realized in product and design development. This is a major importance since it facilitates creativity in production to withstand external competitions. In addition, there is improved quality management, which helps build trust with customers. Designing is important when locating and making layouts of facilities that enables efficiency in production. For control issues, operations management is a guide for forecasting, as it understands the flow and trends of products. This helps in controlling production such that there is neither surplus nor deficit. Supply chain management is put under control since it depends on the operations management decisions. Still, the operations management helps guide the maintenance management because the operations determine how frequent the maintenance practices are carried out. With all these summed up, there is a continuous improvement of operations in a company. The operations management faces competitive pressure. This is because of technological advancement today. This can be attributed to be a major challenge. On the same note, the pressure can be from the economic reforms. Organizational design Organizational design involves two complementary problems: how to partition a big task of the whole organization and how to coordinate the subunits so that they fit together (Burton et al). The problems make organizational design a continuous executive process that requires short-term and long-term resolutions. Since it is a continuous process, a systematic approach reveals what happens Step 1: getting started Every firm has a goal and mission

Sunday, October 6, 2019

School Procurement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

School Procurement - Essay Example It should be completed after a period of seventy two weeks. The report will also look at other alternative procurement routes and give their disadvantages. It will also examine the steps to be followed for effective project implementation (ETWB, 2004) From these differences, arises a number of procurement processes. The first alternative is 'competitive tendering/ develop and construct' under this scheme, the school can be designed by Southumberland County together with the community and then tendered to a principle contractor. The other route maybe 'design and build' which allows for design and construction by a principle contractor. There is also the 'construction management' procurement system which allows the client (in this case Southumberland County) to work hand in hand with a principle contractor who constructs the building while the client manages the construction process. Under the PFI procurement route, operations are done within a fixed price range. This amount is arrived at by considering inflation rate for the past twenty five and thirty years. If the contractor fails to meet his/her deadline then a penalty will have to be paid. This means that the PFI scheme is subject to inflation rate changes because costs of implementing the project will be subject to inflation changes yet the unitary payment will be changed at a different rate. An alternative like the design and build route arrives at its charges without consideration of inflation rates. 2.12 Unforeseen expenses If the project happens to the superseded its time limits, then extra costs will be incurred. These costs are met by the contractor and he will be the one on the loosing because it will minimize his profits. In contrast, however, another scheme like the design and build route leaves the maintenance of extra costs to the project initiator. This would not be economical for the County. 2.13 Defects on building In the PFI scheme, the risk of any defects found in the completed building will rest solely on the contractor. This implies that the contractor will do his best to ensure that he produces a quality product to avoid deductions that will have to be made on the unitary payment which the Southumberland County is going to pay. However, the design and build route has a time frame within which the employer can charge for defects. After that time frame, any defects will have to be settled by the employer. (Henderson Global Investors, 2003) 2.14 Value for money This scheme provides value for money because costs and risks are moved from the project initiator to the private contractor. Normally the unitary amount that is calculated prior to project work is slightly on the high side. Because there are a number of expenses that will be incurred along the way, this increase is fair. Develop and build under the PFI scheme allows the project initiator to get value for his money since he is free from any of the following risks: general maintenance, latent defects, construction overruns, management time and

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Ethics Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics Critique - Essay Example If the drivers are well understood, it is possible to justify the moral judgment using psychological research. However, some people will make moral judgment without being driven by anything but out of other factors such as influence. Sometimes, it may be impossible to differentiate if the decision was made for given motives or out of influence. In such cases, it becomes impossible to use psychological research to justify the moral judgment. This essay argues that the capability of psychological research to justify moral judgment depends on whether the motives and factors leading the judgment are understood. Psychological research which explains how human beings make moral judgments can be used to justify a given judgment or action. Although there is no clear reason, why people make certain choices and not others, people will tend to justify their actions depending on the circumstances. In Greene’s (363) opinion, humans wish to make judgments based on reasoning. However, most o f them end up making their decisions based on emotions. Therefore, if the emotions are well understood, it is possible to understand how humans will justify their actions, or the possible reasons that they will give for their actions. In Greene opinion, (364) â€Å"People tend to have emotional responses to personal moral violations, responses that incline them to judge against performing those actions.† However, it sometimes becomes hard to justify actions since some people make decisions without even thinking. It is only after making a decision that humans try to reason as they seek to justify their action or decide if it was right or wrong. Since it is well understood that people tend to make decisions depending on their intuitions, it only requires the researcher to understand the intuitions of the person making the decision to be able to tell the way they will justify their actions. Since there are no reasons for doing certain actions, it is possible to predict the way p eople will justify their moral judgment. It is possible to justify moral judgment using psychological research since people will justify actions as wrong or right depending on how the society views certain actions. Aristotle (173-174) claims that if a certain action is perceived to be wrong and a person commits it, it is obvious that he or she will try to find any reasons that will make the action appear right. Therefore, it only requires one to understand perceptions of the society regarding certain actions to be able to predict or tell how the doer of any action will justify it. Another reason why psychological research can be used to justify a given judgment is that some actions are performed out of obedience and not reason. It thus requires the researcher to know the motivation behind certain action. If an action of political aggression is performed, the doer will obviously justify the action by giving political reasons. For example, a dictator is likely to justify their dictato rial actions by demonstrating why humans require to be forced to act in a certain way. A person doing charity work will justify their actions by finding reasons on how their actions are helpful to others. Additionally, Milgram (184) posits that some actions are performed out of rebellion. If the researcher understands the nature of person performing a given action, then it is possible to justify the action without understanding the reason behind it. It only requires one to understand the nature of the person doing the action to be able to pre

Friday, October 4, 2019

Risk Management in supply chain management Essay

Risk Management in supply chain management - Essay Example Some of the salient features that define the organizational attributes in modern times are reduced inventories, effect supplies, staggeringly reduced cycle times, effective transportation mechanisms, further enhanced communication means both outside and inside the organization and factory. These all have been in practice in many organizations and are another name for successful supply chain management. Supply chain management is termed as chain and structure that defines all important elements of the process which contribute towards the output. In other words all the stake holders who have an impact in either way constitute a supply chain. It can be the transportation, can be the personnel, can be the policy, can be the objectives and can various other variables (Mentzer, 2011). The risks so faced can have various severe negative repercussions on the industry. It can lead to a financial loss, it can lead to mistrust, it can further lead to loss of contracts in severe cases, and most importantly could lead to losing the customers who are considered as the pivot towards the success or failure of any organization since their response and liking level of a certain industry can take any industry either way. Supply chain impacts rest of the industry activities in a direct manner. Supply chain risks identification and ultimately elimination and mitigation can result in better working environment, improved productivity, reduced un certainty, and various other factors that are non beneficial towards the organization. The entire risk phenomena can be split into four components which are: The Risk Sources: Supply Chain Itself: Risk mitigation Strategies: Adverse effects of Risks: Supply chain itself Risk Mitigation Strategies These are the four basic units which constitute a total discipline and each of these must be taken into consideration (Juttner, Peck, & Christopher, 2003). The relationship works in a dependent manner, the first is the source of risk, which falls und er the initial phase, and its identification is very vital. This is followed by its adverse affects, and underneath it is the supply chain itself that is faced by the challenges and risks. Finally, the most important factor is the constitution of risk mitigation strategies, which could be prior to the occurrence of event or post event, however risk mitigation strategies are more successful and of more impact if implemented prior to the occurrence. The strategies so made must be able to work in a preemptive manner and should work on the principle of prevention rather than correction. Risks could be either from internal sources, or the external sources, or the organization itself. The last couple of decades saw many events that made all the stakeholders realize that risk management in the field of supply chain has become inevitable and proper actions must be taken to minimize its impact. For this purpose, it has been largely implemented at various organizations of large, medium and sm all sizes, and more emphasis is being laid on its implementation at every level of industry. For this reason, a more systemic and structured approach is in practice internationally which ensures covering all the areas of that are necessary to be addressed. Level of